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发布时间: 2023-08-10 次浏览

  雷竞技RAYBET金融英语-刘文国pdf摇摇摇摇员 总 序 总 序 在经济全球化和区域一体化的背景下,金融创新日新月异,国际 金融运行的风险也随之增加,保证金融安全、高效、稳定运行成为各 国特别是发展中国家面临的重要而急迫的任务。改革开放以来,我 国逐步建立了系统、完整的大金融组织体系,金融已渗透到社会经济 生活的各个层面雷竞技官网,成为现代经济的核心。入世后,实行了金融开放政 策,加快了融入国际金融的步伐,金融国际化、经济金融化和金融市 场化的态势日趋明显。外资银行的不断进入,引发了深层次的金融 变革,国内金融服务业也呈现出多样化和专业化发展的态势。随着 金融业务的快速发展和金融产品的延伸,金融人才的需求持续增加。 金融在经济发展中作用的发挥也越来越依赖于高层次金融人才的 培养。 为了将上海高校的一批重要专业建设成为上海乃至全国的人 才培养基地和高等院校教学研究与师资培训中心,成为在国内外有 一定知名度和影响力的本科教育高地,为上海城市发展和经济建设 提供人力资源保障,合理规划高等教育学科布局,提升高等院校本 科教育整体水平,围绕“科教兴市”的主战略,在高等院校原有优势 学科发展的基础上,上海市每年投入专项资金重点建设金融保险、 海关物流、外贸经济、艺术音乐、旅游会展、语言文学、法律、教 师教育、卫生体育和影视传播等十大本科教育高地。教育高地坚持 改革创新、科学发展、质量第一和开放合作原则,在师资队伍、专业 建设、教学条件、教学管理、教学效果与人才培养质量等六个方面 进行重点建设。 因此,为了适应国际经济理论的不断创新与拓展以及金融业务 发展的需要,加快培养出更多掌握经济学理论知识、具有国际视野、 金 融 英 语 了解国际惯例、懂得全球一致的业务规范、熟悉取向统一的管理法 规、掌握金融业务操作能力的金融学专业的应用型国际化人才,必须 从金融学专业的课程体系、课程内容、教学方法、教材编写等方面进 行进一步探索和创新。 “复旦卓越·21 世纪金融学教材新系”教材编委会精心策划,在 总结过去教材建设经验的基础上,结合应用型本科教育的特点,借鉴 国内外的经验做法,经过反复研究、论证和撰写,推出了这套金融学 专业系列教材。这套系列教材包括《金融学》、《保险学》、《国际金融 学》、《中央银行学》、《证券投资学》、《商业银行学》、《金融法学》、 《行为金融学》、《金融工程学》、《理财学》、《金融市场学》、《金融英 语》等12 种。 这套系列教材作为上海市金融保险本科教育高地的标志性教材 和金融学专业人才培养的重要成果,具有五个方面的特点。第一,创 新性。从培养学生的兴趣入手,以掌握方和创造性思维为主线, 以知识、概念和理论为基石,进行总体设计,思路新颖,写作体例风格 独特。第二,前瞻性。搜集了最新的数据资料和理论研究成果,使教 材内容着力体现超前性、前沿性、动态性。第三,实践性。体现了实 践型本科教学和金融学的专业特点,以提高学生竞争力、综合素质和 社会适应能力为最终目标,适当增加国际先进专业资格认证考试的 相关内容,如特许金融分析师、精算师、保险金融行业资格考试、金融 风险管理师考试等。第四,系统性。基础知识、学科理论和政策体系 融为一体,注重金融理论与金融应用的结合、金融改革与金融发展的 结合、宏观金融与微观金融的结合、对内金融与对外开放金融的结 合、历史金融与现实金融的结合。第五,可读性。突出“以学生为中 心”的思想,强调学以致用,所用语言浅显易懂,并附有一定的案例分 析。此外,编写教师的阵容庞大,起点高,教学经验丰富,研究能 力强。 我们希望通过这套系列教材的推出,进一步锻炼教师队伍,提 高教师素质和教学水平;同时雷竞技官网,我们也希望通过这套教材的使用雷竞技官网, 摇摇摇摇圆 摇摇摇摇猿 总 序 不断探索金融学专业教学和科研的新路子,为金融学学科在中国的 发展做出贡献。由于我们的理论水平和金融业务操作技能有限,这 套系列教材必然会存在许多不足之处。希望通过这套系列教材的 出版,与金融学界、政界以及从事金融业务工作的同仁共同研究和 探讨,使我们进一步提高教材的编写水平,提高教学和人才培养 质量。 丛书编写委员会 2006 年5 月 前 言 当前我国的金融市场、金融机构、金融工具和金融创新正处于新的发展阶 段,金融领域对其工作人员的英语水平也提出了更高的要求。编写一本具有在 学习英语的同时也增加金融知识特别是常用的技术术语就显得十分必要,教材 在选材上既考虑到金融领域技术的新发展和新动向,又注重教材的实用性和新 颖性。 本教材是为本科教学需要编写的,内容涵盖了金融学的主要方面,教材内 容从介绍金融学专业学生在不同工作岗位应掌握的基本技能开始,到金融衍生 工具的使用和国际金融组织和机构,内容新颖实用。本教材由刘文国拟定大 纲,并由刘文国和蒋晓红总纂。参加本书编写的有: 刘文国:金融职业技术要求、投资、共同基金、债券; 蒋晓红:国际结算银行、世界银行、国际货币基金组织; 王纯:筹资、财务报表、保险; 全顺芳:中央银行、亚洲开发银行; 孟建国:货币市场、外汇市场; 稽惠娟:利息和汇率、货币和银行; 魏耀川:证券交易所、期权期货。 我们要特别感谢上海金融学院和上海金融学院金融系的领导和有关教师, 以及复旦大学出版社对本书的写作和出版给予的大力支持和帮助。 由于编写时间紧迫,加上我们的专业知识水平有限,本书难免存在一些不 足和遗漏,作者真诚地希望读者提出宝贵意见,以利于今后教材的修订工作。 作者的电子邮箱为: wenguoliu@gmail. com 编摇者 圆园园远年苑月 摇摇摇摇员 目 录 目 录 悦韵晕栽耘晕栽杂 !#$%&’ ( !#’&&’) *+ ,*+#+-& !!!!!!!!!!!!! 员 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怨 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怨 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员园 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶悦燥则责燥则葬贼藻云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 !!!!!!! 员圆 !#$%&’ .摇/0+&1 #+2 3#+4) !!!!!!!!!!!!! 员苑 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆猿 晕燥贼藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆源 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆缘 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:阅藻责燥泽蚤贼陨灶泽怎则葬灶糟藻葬灶凿月葬灶噪云葬蚤造怎则藻泽 !!!! 圆苑 杂藻蚤早灶蚤燥则葬早藻 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆怨 !#$%&’ 5摇6+%&’&)% 7#%& #+2 89-#+:& 7#%& !!!! 猿猿 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 源员 晕燥贼藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 源圆 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 源圆 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:云葬糟贼燥则泽粤枣枣藻糟贼蚤灶早陨灶贼藻则藻泽贼砸葬贼藻孕燥造蚤糟赠 源缘 !!!!! 栽澡藻晕藻藻凿枣燥则悦怎则则藻灶糟赠耘曾糟澡葬灶早藻!!!!!! 源愿 !#$%摇/0+&1 /#’4&% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 缘园 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 缘苑 晕燥贼藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 缘苑 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 缘愿 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:酝燥灶藻赠酝葬灶葬早藻皂藻灶贼 !!!!!!!!!!! 远员 金 融 英 语 !#$%&’ 摇3=)*+&)) ,*+#+-*+: !!!!!!!!!!!! 远愿 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 苑愿 晕燥贼藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 苑愿 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 愿员 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:云蚤灶葬灶糟蚤灶早栽澡则燥怎早澡云则葬灶糟澡蚤泽蚤灶早!!!!!!! 愿猿 !#$%&’ 摇,*+#+-*#? @%#%&A&+%) !!!!!!!!!!! 愿苑 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怨苑 晕燥贼藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怨怨 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怨怨 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:悦葬泽澡云造燥憎杂贼葬贼藻皂藻灶贼 !!!!!!!!!! 员园圆 摇 : !#$%&’ B !&+%’#? 3#+4) C& ,&2&’#? 7&)&’D& @1)%&A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员园苑 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员员苑 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员员愿 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员员愿 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:云燥则藻蚤早灶悦藻灶贼则葬造月葬灶噪泽 !!!!!!!!!! 员圆员 !#$%&’ E摇3#+4 F0’ 6+%&’+#%*0+#? @&%%?&A&+% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员圆缘 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员猿怨 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员源园 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员源员 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:悦澡葬灶早藻泽蚤灶贼澡藻宰燥则造凿蒺泽云蚤灶葬灶糟蚤葬造酝葬则噪藻贼泽蚤灶贼澡藻 蕴葬泽贼猿园再藻葬则泽葬灶凿陨贼泽陨皂责造蚤糟葬贼蚤燥灶泽枣燥则贼澡藻云怎贼怎则藻! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员源猿 !#$%&’ G摇C& H0’?2 3#+4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员源远 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员远员 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员远圆 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员远猿 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:宰澡葬贼蚤泽贼澡藻宰燥则造凿月葬灶噪? !!!!!!!!! 员远缘 !#$%&’ (I摇C& J)*#+ K&D&?0$A&+% 3#+4 !!!!! 员远怨 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员苑愿 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员苑怨 摇摇摇摇圆 摇摇摇摇猿 目 录 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员苑怨 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:粤糟糟藻造藻则葬贼蚤灶早粤早则蚤糟怎造贼怎则藻葬灶凿砸怎则葬造阅藻增藻造燥责皂藻灶贼枣燥则 陨灶糟造怎泽蚤增藻 郧则燥憎贼澡 孕燥造蚤糟赠 陨皂责造蚤糟葬贼蚤燥灶泽 枣燥则 阅藻增藻造燥责蚤灶早粤泽蚤葬 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员愿圆 !#$%&’ ((摇C& 6+%&’+#%*0+#? /0+&%#’1 ,=+2 !!!! 员愿愿 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员怨苑 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员怨愿 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 员怨怨 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:宰燥则造凿耘糟燥灶燥皂蚤糟郧则燥憎贼澡杂贼则燥灶早藻则贼澡葬灶孕则燥躁藻糟贼藻凿: 陨酝云 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆园员 !#$%&’ (.摇C& ,0’&*:+ 89-#+:& /#’4&% !!!!! 圆园缘 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆员缘 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆员缘 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆员远 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:云燥则藻蚤早灶耘曾糟澡葬灶早藻杂责则藻葬凿泽!!!!!!!! 圆员愿 !#$%&’ (5摇@&-=’*%*&) #+2 89-#+:& !0AA*))*0+ !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆圆源 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆猿苑 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆猿苑 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆猿愿 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:悦澡蚤灶葬杂藻糟怎则蚤贼蚤藻泽砸藻早怎造葬贼燥则赠悦燥皂皂蚤泽泽蚤燥灶(悦杂砸悦)摇 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆源园 !#$%摇6+D&)%A&+%) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆源远 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆缘源 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆缘缘 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆缘苑 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:陨灶增藻泽贼蚤灶早 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆远园 !#$%&’ (摇30+2 3#)*-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆远源 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆苑猿 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆苑源 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆苑缘 金 融 英 语 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:砸藻贼葬蚤造晕燥贼藻泽酝葬噪藻月燥灶凿陨灶增藻泽贼蚤灶早耘葬泽蚤藻则!! 圆苑苑 !#$%&’ (摇/=%=#? ,=+2) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆愿缘 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆怨苑 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆怨苑 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 圆怨愿 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:栽澡藻栽则怎贼澡月藻澡蚤灶凿酝怎贼怎葬造云怎灶凿砸藻贼怎则灶泽摇 !! 猿园员 !#$%&’ (B摇,=%=’&) /#’4&%) !!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿园源 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿员远 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿员苑 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿员怨 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:韵责贼蚤燥灶泽月葬泽蚤糟泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿圆员 !#$%&’ (E摇6+)=’#+-& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿猿园 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿猿苑 晕燥贼藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿猿愿 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿猿怨 砸藻葬凿蚤灶早酝葬贼藻则蚤葬造泽:陨灶泽蚤早澡贼蚤灶贼燥陨灶泽怎则葬灶糟藻杂糟燥则蚤灶早!!!!!!! 猿源员 酝藻凿蚤糟葬蚤凿灾藻则泽怎泽蕴栽悦陨灶泽怎则葬灶糟藻!!!!!! 猿源缘 7&F&’&+-&) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 猿缘园 摇摇摇摇源 摇摇摇摇员 悦澡葬责贼藻则员摇悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 悦澡葬责贼藻则摇员 悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 韵增藻则增蚤藻憎 Commercial banks are in the business of providing banking services to individuals ,small businesses and large organizations. While the banking sector has been consolidating ,it is worth noting that far more people are employed in the commercial banking sector than any other part of the financial services industry. Jobs in banking can be exciting and offer excellent opportunities to learn about business interact with people and build up a clientele. Todays commercial banks are more diverse than ever. Youll find a tremendous range of opportunities in commercial banking ,starting at the branch level where you might start out 1 as a teller to a wide variety of other services such as leasing ,credit card banking ,international finance and trade credit. If you are wellprepared and enthusiastic about entering the field ,you are likely to find a wide variety of opportunities open to you. Carefully ,read through the material below as you decide whether you have been ready to pursue a career in commercial banking. 月则燥葬凿月怎泽蚤灶藻泽泽哉灶凿藻则泽贼葬灶凿蚤灶早 葬灶凿孕藻燥责造藻杂噪蚤造造泽晕藻藻凿藻凿 To be good in banking you need a broad understanding of business because your job will most likely involve interacting with businesses. People skills are essential because you will be helping people get the loans and investments that they want. 金 融 英 语 粤糟糟燥怎灶贼蚤灶早葬灶凿宰则蚤贼蚤灶早杂噪蚤造造泽葬则藻悦则怎糟蚤葬造 The most common jobs in commercial banking are as a credit analyst and as a lending officer. These jobs require a strong understanding of accounting. Because banking often requires that you document loans and justify credit analysis which you have written ,written skills are extremely important. 匀蚤早澡郧则葬凿藻泽蕴藻泽泽陨皂责燥则贼葬灶贼贼澡葬灶宰燥则噪耘贼澡蚤糟 Banking attracts a diverse group of people. You dont have to be a superstar student with a phenomenal GPA to make it. You do have to be detail oriented , unafraid to sell and conscientious. 陨灶贼藻则灶葬贼蚤燥灶葬造栽葬造藻灶贼陨泽蚤灶匀蚤早澡阅藻皂葬灶凿 葬贼酝燥灶藻赠鄄糟藻灶贼藻则月葬灶噪泽 According to Hoyle Jones ,head of recruiting at Citicorp2 ,the firm is “aggressively in the hiring market. ”Were looking for U. S. educated Asians and Latin Americans to go back home and grow businesses. 酝葬则噪藻贼蚤灶早栽赠责藻泽宰葬灶贼藻凿 A new business model which is spreading into banking is that of the marketing oriented consumer products company. Banks are trying to build valuable brand images with consumeroriented advertising and distinct product lines. According to Richard Kovacevich ,CEO3 of Norwest :“I believe we all must be salespeople ; and we should be proud of it. . . We can no longer be order takers ,which is still the characteristic of the old banking industry. In fact ,we must be great as salespeople. We must be customeroriented ,we must be needsbased and we must be aggressive. ”In light of this demand ,if you have good marketing skills and have taken a number of marketing courses ,you will be wellsuited to this new environment. Because of the increasing marketing orientation ,many banks have also been paying big bucks to lure product managers away from consumer products 摇摇摇摇圆 摇摇摇摇猿 悦澡葬责贼藻则员摇悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 companies. People with skills in product design and market segmentation are wanted. 宰葬造造杂贼则藻藻贼栽赠责藻泽宰蚤造造云蚤灶凿葬匀燥皂藻 Because commercial banks remain profitable and are more involved than ever in the financial markets ,they are competing with Wall Street for “hightech finance jocks ”involved in foreign exchange derivatives and financial engineering. 悦燥则责燥则葬贼藻陨灶增藻泽贼皂藻灶贼孕则燥凿怎糟贼泽蚤灶匀蚤早澡阅藻皂葬灶凿 There is also high demand for finance professionals who can develop products for the corporate market. According to Windle Priem of Korn / Ferry International ,a top recruiter in banking :“Half of the [recruiting activity in banking ]has been in the capital markets and corporate finance arena of these banks. The other part of the commercial banking practice thats booming is investment products and mutual funds. Thats been very ,very strong. . . . Most of those people have been hired from other investment firms ,other mutual fund companies. The traditional corporate lending people continue to be downsized and terminated. ” 酝月粤韵责贼蚤燥灶葬造 It is generally not necessary to get an MBA in commercial banking although it wouldnt hurt you. Many of the executives at the very top do have MBAs from prestigious schools. And others have attended summertime master programs at places like the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking (Dallas ,TX )or the Stonier School of Banking. 阅葬赠泽燥枣耘葬泽赠匀燥怎则泽蕴燥灶早郧燥灶藻 Banking is reputed to be a low hours / workload position. This is possible , especially in smaller markets ,but increasingly bankers are working longer hours as their jobs become more oriented towards general marketing of financial services. Consumers are increasingly banking from home using online services and the 金 融 英 语 Internet. If you are Internet savvy and familiar with computers you will have an edge in banking. “Banks are at the point now where they have to seriously start moving into an online environment ,or risk losing some of their best customers , potentially forever. Its a very crucial and very perilous time for banks ,”said David Taylor ,executive vice president at the Bank Administration Institute ,in December 1995. A typical job in banking in the lending or branch management area would require the following skills : Key Skill Area Requirement People Skills : High Sales Skills : High Communication Skills : High Analytical Skills : Medium Creative Ability : Medium Initiative : Medium Work Hours : 40 60 h / week 允燥遭韵责贼蚤燥灶泽:悦则藻凿蚤贼粤灶葬造赠泽贼 This is a common entry level job which requires that you evaluate business and consumer loan applications made to your bank. Your duties include projecting a companys future cash flow ,evaluating its current financial soundness,visiting and interacting with financial people at businesses and dealing with lenders. You will learn a lot about business in this job. Your success in this job will depend on how detailoriented you are ,your knowledge of accounting and your ability to communicate. 蕴燥葬灶韵枣枣蚤糟藻则 This is a highly desirable job in banking which involves making loans to businesses and consumers. Being a loan officer requires that you have good selling skills ,an ability to understand a business and a solid understanding of how banking works. Most people in upper management at banks were once loan officers. 摇摇摇摇源 摇摇摇摇缘 悦澡葬责贼藻则员摇悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 月则葬灶糟澡酝葬灶葬早藻则 You would be responsible for overseeing all activities at your branch including opening new accounts ,loan origination ,solving customer problems,foreign exchange and safe deposit boxes. Most importantly ,you are responsible for establishing relations with customers. This job can be very satisfying ,which is never boring and requires you to be handson. Many bank managers start as tellers or customer service representatives. Key things for this position are customer service skills,empathy ,quantitative ability ,strong work ethic ,organization and a solid understanding of banking. 源 栽则怎泽贼韵枣枣蚤糟藻则 In this job you would deliver trust services ,financial products and advice to bank customers (often more upscale ones ). This work will give you knowledge of business ,investing ,estate planning ,taxes ,probate law and will involve a lot of counselling. 缘 酝燥则贼早葬早藻月葬灶噪藻则 Your job will be to make mortgage loans to homebuyers and businesses. This involves heavy contact with real estate professionals ,credit checks ,and dealing with new buyers. Today ,many loans are sold to other investors in the mortgage backed securities market. This job has a good future because an increasing fraction of the population is likely to buy a house in the future. Other jobs in banking involve accounting ,marketing and advertising ,commercial card operations , securities transfer ,wire operations ,private banking ,cash management services , installment loans ,loan servicing ,correspondent banking ,personnel ,operations and communications. 云葬糟贼泽葬灶凿栽则藻灶凿泽 Banking is Satisfying. In 1992 ,Money magazine surveyed 100 jobs in the United States. The job of banker was listed as the second most satisfying. Bankers love 金 融 英 语 their jobs ! 月葬灶噪蚤灶早陨泽蚤灶葬孕藻则蚤燥凿燥枣悦燥灶泽燥造蚤凿葬贼蚤燥灶 Banking is going through a period of tremendous consolidation with frequent mergers and layoffs. Mergers abound such as those of Citibank and Travelers into Citigroup or Nations Bank and Bank America. Customers dont always go to branches. They increasingly rely on ATMs and electronic transactions. And many now direct their savings into mutual funds like Vanguard and Fidelity. At the same time business increasingly raise money using commercial paper and mediumterm notes instead of bank loans ,this means jobs are getting tighter. Fortune ,writes on Oct. 30 ,1995 :“Few industries has experienced as intense a spasm of consolidation and corporate restructuring as has banking in the past decade. New mergers and job cuts are announced practically every week. . . ” 栽澡蚤灶噪韵灶造蚤灶藻 David Taylor of the Bank Administration Institute notes that “PCs and modems are reaching a 40% penetration level for households with annual incomes over 50 ! 000 ,banks best customers. ”Home banking offers tremendous convenience to these customers who will grow enormously in the next decade. “Before doing the Saturday morning shopping ,you can check the status of your checking account , pay any outstanding bills ,and ,with the advent of smart cards ,some day download credit onto your card to pay for he shopping. ” 摇摇摇摇远 摇摇摇摇苑 悦澡葬责贼藻则员摇悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 阅燥灶蒺贼云燥则早藻贼郧燥增藻则灶皂藻灶贼允燥遭 韵责责燥则贼怎灶蚤贼蚤藻泽蚤灶月葬灶噪蚤灶早 State governments and the U. S. government actively recruit banking regulators. Interesting places to look include the Office of Thrift Supervision ,the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council and the Federal Reserve Banking System. 月则葬灶糟澡韵怎贼 Jobs in bank branches could be risky. According to a recent study by Deloitte & Touche6 ,about 30% of bank employees (850 000 people )work in branches. However ,productivity improvements are expected to replace 151 200 of them , and electronic delivery services is projected to eliminate an additional 344 400 jobs. When new jobs created by electronic delivery services are factored in ,the study shows a net loss of 450 000 jobs by the year 2000. 月葬灶噪泽粤则藻郧藻贼贼蚤灶早粤早早则藻泽泽蚤增藻 The competitive environment is changing too. USA Today writes on Aug. 29 ,1995 :“Behind the bank deals :The easy times are over for bank earnings. Banks have posted record profits since 1991 ,thanks to falling interest rates and their efforts to slash costs. But interest rates arent falling anymore ,loan demand has slowed and bankers cant costcut their way to continued prosperity. They must grow and sell their services aggressively in new markets to keep earnings up and investors happy. ” 哉援杂援月葬灶噪泽粤则藻灶蒺贼栽澡葬贼月蚤早 In 1999 ,the worlds largest bank was Japanese with 1 270 billion in assets. That ! is two times as big as the largest U. S. bank :Citigroup. 金 融 英 语 月葬灶噪蚤灶早陨泽杂澡则蚤灶噪蚤灶早 The business of banking is changing dramatically as traditional demand deposit and CD business shrinks. The U. S. banking systems share of financial assets in the economy has sunk to 25% ,the lowest in the last 130 years. It is forecasted that half of the nations retail branches will close in 10 years and that means as many as 450 000 bank jobs may disappear. 栽澡藻云怎贼怎则藻陨泽蚤灶晕藻憎粤则藻葬泽 Because traditional banking is in decline ,the future of the industry lies in services and new areas. Many banks are now starting to compete against investment banks ,for example. One in five banks owns a fullservice brokerage firm today. Half of bans own a discount broker. Expect these numbers to rise. 杂责藻糟蚤葬造蚤扎藻凿月葬灶噪泽粤则藻阅燥蚤灶早月藻泽贼 Banks which specialize in a niche such a retail lending ,credit card operations , cash management or global retail appear to be doing better than more diversified banks. Expect focused banks to continue to succeed and create more jobs. Players like Associates ,MBNA and Providian are doing well at present. 再燥怎酝葬赠月藻栽则葬增藻造蚤灶早 New regulations permit interstate banking. Historically ,you might not have been asked to travel much as a banker or deal with businesses in other states. That is changing rapidly. 酝蚤凿凿造藻鄄酝葬灶葬早藻则泽粤则藻蚤灶阅藻皂葬灶凿 The shakeup in banking has left a shortage of good middlemanagers ,especially at smaller banks which find it more difficult to hire welltrained managers away from wellstaffed larger banks. Other hot areas include loan review officers , technology specialists and auditors. 摇摇摇摇愿 摇摇摇摇怨 悦澡葬责贼藻则员摇悦葬则藻藻则泽蚤灶云蚤灶葬灶糟藻 晕藻憎宰燥则凿泽葬灶凿耘曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶泽 1. teller (银行)出纳 2. clientele 诉讼委托人,顾客 3. crucial 关键的,决定性的 4. phenomenal 非凡的,杰出的 5. Citigroup 花旗集团 6. abound 丰富,大量存在,盛产 7. layoff 解雇(由于市场不景气) 8. marketingoriented 市场(营销)导向 9. customeroriented 客户导向 10. Wall Street 华尔街 11. derivative 衍生的,被引申出的 12. mutual fund 公共基金 13. trust services 信托服务 14. counsel 商议,考虑 15. MBNA 银行名称 16. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》 17. shrinking 收缩,变小,退缩 18. shakeup 剧变,振作 19. outstanding bills 未偿付票据 晕燥贼藻泽 员援泽贼葬则贼燥怎贼援To begin your life. 圆援悦蚤贼蚤糟燥则责援Citibank. 猿援悦耘韵援Chief executive officer (ABBREVIATION CEO),the person with the most important position in a company. 源援贼则怎泽贼燥枣枣蚤糟藻则援A fiduciary relationship in which one party ,known as a trustor ,gives another party ,the trustee ,the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party ,the beneficiary. 金 融 英 语 缘援皂燥则贼早葬早藻遭葬灶噪藻则援A company ,individual or institution that originates , sells and services mortgage loans. 远援阅藻造燥蚤贼贼藻驭栽燥怎糟澡藻援A company name. 耘曾藻则糟蚤泽藻泽 援粤灶泽憎藻则贼澡藻枣燥造造燥憎蚤灶早择怎藻泽贼蚤燥灶泽蚤灶耘灶早造蚤泽澡: Ⅰ 1. Why does people say “High Grades less important than work ethic”? 2. Why are banks getting aggressive ? 3. Where are the largest banks in the world ? 4. What do you think about “specialized banks are doing best”? 5. What would Branch Manager be responsible for ? 6. Could jobs in bank branches be risky ?Explain it. 7. Do you think that the future is in New Areas ? 8. Do you know why banking wants to consolidate ? 援云蚤造造蚤灶藻葬糟澡遭造葬灶噪憎蚤贼澡葬灶葬责责则燥责则蚤葬贼藻憎燥则凿燥则藻曾责则藻泽泽蚤燥灶: Ⅱ 1. Jobs in banking can be exciting and offer excellent opportunities to learn business interact with people and build a clientele. Todays commercial banks are more diverse than ever. Youll find a tremendous range of opportunities in commercial banking ,starting the branch level where you might start as a teller to a wide variety of other services such as leasing ,credit card banking ,international finance and trade credit. 2. Banking is going a period of tremendous consolidation with frequent me



  专练 8.3实际问题与二元一次方程组(含答案析)-七年级下册期末易错知识点专练(人教版)(人教版初中数学).docx

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